Important Tips Before You Learn

1. Always remember words with its kjønn (Han/Hun/Intet.). Otherwise later it would be difficult when you study grammer.-> More info here
2. Avoid using Google Translate. Use Ordbok instead.-> More info here
3. Avoid mapping or translating sentences from your mother toung to Norsk or vice a verse. They simply will not fit!. The grammar is different! and then you will have questions like why they have used PÅ or I etc.
4.You can download the norsk verb list here. Its very important that you memorize the verbs.
5. Written and Verbal Test tpoics are found here and here

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Synes eller Tror

The way one use Tror and Synes in a sentense. Following can summarise the use of these two words.

English : Think/Find
English : Believe
Can be used when
  • ·         You have experience with the things you are talking about (noe man har erfart)/(Personglig erfaring)
  • ·         Your personal openion (Sin personlig meaning om hva andre skal prove)
  • You want to express your own openion
Can be used when
  • ·         You do not have experience with the things you are talking about(man ikke vet)
  • ·         When you are talking about things that are going to happen in future. (Framtida)
  • ·         When you talk about statistics, things you can control.
  • ·         When the answer to a question is always  YES and NO

Friday, August 21, 2015

Different between Sitter/Setter and Ligger/Legger

While studying the use of Sitter/Setter, Ligger/Legge things can be little confusing.

Here is some explanation which will help you to understand it better.
If you have any question, ask in comments.

We can divide it into FOUR Parts.

PART 1 :
When object is moved from one position to other, i.e. if there is a MOTION of object or person, we use SETTE/LEGGE.
When there is NO MOTION involved, we use SITTE/LIGGE.

Whenever the object placement is VERTICAL then use verb Å SETTE & Å SITTE. (exceptions: for some we use word STÅR, explanations is given below in examples.)
Whenever the object placement is HORIZONTAL then use Å LEGGE & Å LIGGE.

Depending on the persent-past-future tense of the statement, use appropriate form of verb

å ligge ligger har ligget
å legge legger la har lagt
å sitte sitter satt har sittet
å sette setter satte har satt


For buildings and countries we always use LIGGER.
Whenever anything is in bag i.e. Veska eller Posen, use verb Å LEGGE.
When action is performed By/On the person, use appropriate reflexive form (i.e. seg, deg ,meg etc). You can find more information about reflexive form here

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Topics for Written and Verbal Norsk Prøve

Here are some examples for Norsk prøve Skriftlig og Muntlig.

  1. Skriv om hvordan hybelen eller leiligheten din
  2. Fortell hvordan du lager en god middag
  3. Hva er din favoritt matret? Kan du fortelle hvordan du lager den.
  4. Du har mistet en lommebok utenfor Bunnpris. Skriv en lapp som du kan henge på oppslagstavla i butikken.
  5. Skriftlig oppgave 1-  Du skal få besøk av en venn. Men du må skynde deg på butikken og kjøpe mat før han / hun kommer.
  6. Du skal skrive en beskjed som du skal henge på døra di.
  7. Skriftlig oppgave 2 -  Du har mistet nøklene dine. Du tror det er på vei til butikken. Skriv en lapp som du kan henge opp på en oppslagstavle på butikken.
  8. Du har mistet en klokke. Du skal skrive en lapp oppslag som kan henge på butikken.
  9. Hva liker jeg best da jeg bor i Norge?
  10. Fortell om arbeid og næringsliv i et land du kjenner godt. 

Refleksive uttrykk - Reflexive words

By definition, In grammar, a reflexive verb is a verb whose direct object is the same as its subject, for example, "I wash myself".

The same way Norsk also has reflexive words/verbs. They differe when used in Entall (singular) and Flertall (plural). Here are some of them

Jeg .......................... meg.
Du .......................... deg.
Han/Hun ................. seg.
Vi ........................... oss.
Dere ...................... dere.
De ......................... seg.

In ................. dotted lines, you can use verbs like kommer, vasker, sminker etc.

Lets take examples.

Jeg vakser meg . I wash myself.
Du vasker deg . You wash yourself.
Han vasker seg. He wash himself.
Hun vasker seg. She wash herself.
Vi vasker oss. We wash ourself.
Dere vasker dere. You wash yourself.
De vasker seg. They wash themself.

Difference between Mange and Mye

There is very easy way to differentiate between Mange and Mye.

Mange = used when you can count items
Masse = used for uncountable items

More information can be found here

Du har mange venner. = You can count the number of friends hence its Mange
Der er masse mygg i skogen. = You can not count the number of mosquitoes in forest, hence is masse

Spørreord - Questions Words!

Below are possible words to start a question.

Norsk English
Hva What
Hvem Who
Hvor Where
Hvordan How
Hvilken/Hvilket/Hvilke Which. Depending on the kjønn of word, you will use Hvilken (Hankjønn) /Hvilket (Intetkjønn) /Hvilke (Flertall)
Hvorfor Why
Når When
Hvor Lenge How long? , this is used when you want to ask about time...e.g How long is it till Central Station? -: The answer to this would be in time like 30 mins.
Hvor Langt How Long?, this is used when you want to ask distance. e.g. How long is it til Central Station -: The answer to this would be in distance like 100 km
Hvor Mye How Many? , this is used for uncountable items.
Hvor Mange How Many?, this is used for countable items. If you can count something use this.
Hvor ofte How Often?
Hva slags What kind (of)?
Hvor Fra Where from, Not used so much.
Fra Hvor From Where, Not used so much

Difference between Noen and Noe

You can classify Noen as 'SOMEONE' or 'SOMBODY' and Noe as 'SOMETHING'
In general,
Whenever you talk about a PERSON, you will use Noen

When you talk about Non Living thing, you will use Noe

For more informaiton click here


  • Jeg ser noen gutter.
  • Har du noe å gjøre i dag?
  • Jeg har lyst på noe godt.
  • Vi må gå i butikken og kjøpe noe mat.
  • Jeg har kjøpt noe frukt.
  • Jeg skal møte noen venner i dag.
  • Jeg kjenner nesten ikke noen her i byen.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Norsk Preposisjoner

There are several prepositions used in Norsk. Prepositions usually tells the position of an object with respect to other objects.

Norsk Preposisjoner:
Av, Etter, For, For Siden, Fra, Foran, Gjennom, Hos, I, Innen, Innenfor, Med, Mellom, Mot, Om, Omkring, Overfor, Over, På, Rundt, Til, Under, Ved Siden Av, Ved,

And many more....

Among these the most confusing preposition is PÅ and I. There are often confusions about when to use what.There are no such rules as when to use what but we can definitely draw a pattern.

You can also use references from in here and here, Also can check youtube video here for more details.

When to use what: My Way of Remembering some of it!

English-Norwegian Dictionary VS Google Translate

Its very common to user google translate when you study Norsk. Many used the translate for whole sentences to understand it better.

I would recommend you NOT to use the google translate when you study Norsk words. 

The recommended way to use the dictionary. You can always carry a pocket dictionary (Called Lommeordbok : lomme  = pocket, ordbok = dictionary) . You can always carry regular dictionary also.

But if you are computer savy and would like to use online dictionary then try to use below website

Click on Bokmål button when you search.

You can also click m1 link to get the grammar information about that word (i.e. kjønn of the word)

Tips about Norsk Grammatikk - Adjektive

This post if for beginners.
First read about Substantive here


Adjectives are words used to describe subject.

for e.g.
A beautiful women => word 'Beautiful' is adjective
A angry dog => word 'Angry' is adjective.

In English, Adjectives mostly do not change most of the time, but in Norsk they take different forms depending on its Entall or Flertall

Entall Flertall
Hankjønn(en)  nc --e --e --e
Hunkjønn(ei)  nc
Intetkjønn(et)  --t

nc = No change in the adjektive.

To take an example, we can see the 'Car' example, 'A RED car'- en rød bil. 

Entall Flertall
Hankjønn(en) rød røde røde røde
Hunkjønn(ei) rød
Intetkjønn(et) rødt

or say 'A FINE car'- en fin bil.

Entall Flertall
Hankjønn(en) fin fine fine fine
Hunkjønn(ei) fin
Intetkjønn(et) fint

There are few exceptions.
All adjectives ending with -ig/-lig/-sk would not take "-t" in intetkjønn.
Word 'liten' is very special

Entall Flertall
Hankjønn(en) Liten Lille små små
Hunkjønn(ei) Lita
Intetkjønn(et) Lite