Important Tips Before You Learn

1. Always remember words with its kjønn (Han/Hun/Intet.). Otherwise later it would be difficult when you study grammer.-> More info here
2. Avoid using Google Translate. Use Ordbok instead.-> More info here
3. Avoid mapping or translating sentences from your mother toung to Norsk or vice a verse. They simply will not fit!. The grammar is different! and then you will have questions like why they have used PÅ or I etc.
4.You can download the norsk verb list here. Its very important that you memorize the verbs.
5. Written and Verbal Test tpoics are found here and here

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Difference between Mange and Mye

There is very easy way to differentiate between Mange and Mye.

Mange = used when you can count items
Masse = used for uncountable items

More information can be found here

Du har mange venner. = You can count the number of friends hence its Mange
Der er masse mygg i skogen. = You can not count the number of mosquitoes in forest, hence is masse

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