Important Tips Before You Learn

1. Always remember words with its kjønn (Han/Hun/Intet.). Otherwise later it would be difficult when you study grammer.-> More info here
2. Avoid using Google Translate. Use Ordbok instead.-> More info here
3. Avoid mapping or translating sentences from your mother toung to Norsk or vice a verse. They simply will not fit!. The grammar is different! and then you will have questions like why they have used PÅ or I etc.
4.You can download the norsk verb list here. Its very important that you memorize the verbs.
5. Written and Verbal Test tpoics are found here and here

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Study Begins..

It was really difficult to begin with as i had no clue how to start studying. But was in better condition than others as i was already in Norway.

Note: Books of norwegian language study are very costly. Try to get it from library. If you wish to buy the books, you can visit Norli bookstore in OSLO. They got very good collection of books. View the Google Map of the shopThe list of the books are also shown on right side of blogpage.

Books : 

1. Teach Yourself Complete Norwegian

  • I started with "Teach yourself with Complete Norwegian" book which is basically in English.
  • Its a good book to start with. 
  • You get the audio CD also along with the book which helps for listening exercises.
  • I got this from local library.

2. Norsk Nå

  • I found "På Vei" book very difficult. I studied it via Norsk Nå.
  • You can get it from library. (In Norway you can get two books for a month from library). 
  • to study each chapter with the audios given in the CD which comes along with the book, as it helps in reading and pronunciations. 
  • The book has two part. Green and Blue (see the left/right side of the page for the color). 
    • Green indicate Norskprøve level 1 and blue indicate Norskprøve level 2.
  • The book also have “Norsk Nå arbeidsbook”, i.e. workbook associated with it. 

3. Norsk Nå Ordlist
  • For the Norsk-> English words for each chapter, you can refer to the ordlist book from library. 
  • This really helps to improve vocabulary insted of using Google Translate. 
  • First aim to increase regular vocabulary and then go ahead for grammar.

4. Enkel Norsk Grammatikk Book
  • As I got confidence in vocabulary, I moved on to grammar.  
  • Enkel Norsk Grammatikk is a good book to start studying the grammar. 
  • But its all in norsk.  Initially you have to struggle a little to get hang of it. Along with this you must study the Verbs separately. 
  • This book comes with the arbeidsbok for study

  • In addition you can also refer Norsk Grammatikk book. 
  • This is also good book if you want to study something additional to give Norsk Prøve 2 or 3

       5. Praktisk Norsk

  • Praktisk Norsk 1 & 2 books are extremely good for beginners. 
  • They are workbooks/arbeidsbok only.  
  • Norsk in the books is really simple and helpful. 
  • The tips mentioned about grammar in book 2 are really good.  

      6. OTHER BOOKS
  •  I found New På Vei book little difficult to study. 
  • But sometimes I use to refer the end of each chapter for grammar explanations.
  • They claim that På Vei book is for level 1. But i definitely liked Norsk Nå better than this series.

The old book has green color cover page. But always refer the latest book.

For Second Level of NorskPrøve i.e. NP2

The book for second level from the same author is "Stain På Stain". 

They have a new book in 2014.

Arbeidsbok for Stain På Stain.

For B1 or Third level of NorskPrøve 

They have this book for B1 or A3 level of exam

The new book seems to look like this.

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