Note: You can also use these tips to prepare for muntlig.Write short sentences.
- Keep only one tense throughout the text. (Either Presenss/Preteritum/Perfektum).
- In case of answering a question. repeat the tense mentioned in question.
- e.g. Q : Hva drakk du i går?
- Ans: Jeg drakk te i går.
- Q: Hva vil du gjør i morgen?
- Ans: Jeg vil lære norsk i morgen.
- If you wish to use two verbs in a sentence, the second verb will always be in "infinitive"
- e.g. Jeg ønsker å lære norsk.
- All hjelpe verbs (i.e. vil, kan, skal, må, bør) should always be followed by infinitive verb.
- e.g Du må lære norsk.
- If the sentence consists of 'også', it comes after verb. (S V også) where S = Subject, V= verb
- Use correct grammer while writting. Keep eye on verb position while using words like Noen, Noe, Om, Når, I Norge, Hver dag etc.
- Use different words to start a statement. Not just 'Jeg....' .
- Below are few words which if used can make skriflig - muntlig very impressive.
- Try to tickmark the below words you used in your skriftlig examples when you practice, that way you will come to know how much and how repetitively you have used the words.
- Try not to repeat the words as it becomes irritating.
Avbestille - cancel | Dessuten - furthermore | Eget - own |
Altid - always | Dessverre - unfortunately | Ennå - yet |
Altså | Dersom - if | Etter hvert - gradually |
Alvorlig - serious | Derfor - therefore | Etter en stund - after a while |
Aldri - never | Deretter - there after | Etterpå - afterwards |
Annet - different | Da - then | Plutselig - immediately |
Deilig - lovely | Delvis - partially | Men - but |
For - as | Heller - rather | Selvfølgelig - ofcourse |
Før - before | Heldigvis - fortunitely | Sjelden - hardly, rarely |
Fordig - because | Nesten - almost | Plutselig - immediately |
Forferdelig - Fearful | Nok - enough | Pålitelig - reliable |
Fornærmet - offended | Når - when | Presis - punctual |
Farlig - Dangerious | Omtrent - approx. | Tillatt - allowed |
Fornøyd - satisfied | Opptil - upto | Vanligvis - usually |
Fornuftig - reasonable | Oftest - often | Heldig - Lucky |
Forrige uke - last week | Opptatt - busy | I alt - in total |
Forreig uke - last week | Slik - thus, so that, such | Til slutt - At the end |
Forskjellige - Different | Sette på - put on | Koselig - cosy |
Fort - Quickly | Synes - think | Likevel - yet / still |
Forsiktig - careful | Virkelig - rarelly | Mett - satisfied |
Rask - fast | Utenpå - outside | Utrolig - incredible |
Spesiell - Special | Travelt - busy | Trivelig - pleasent |
Uten - without | I fjor - last year | Kjeldelig - boring |
Uhøflig - impolite | Ro og fred - peace & quite | Dårlig - bad |
Flau - embarrassed | Viktig - important | Herlig - fantastic |
Som - as | Fornærmet - offended | Forklare - explain |
ikke sant ? - isn`t is? | Sliten - tired | Hvis - if |
Nydelig - lovely | Vanlig - common | Spennende - splendid |
Nesten ingen - almost no one | Nesten ikke noen - almost no one | ......, så ..... - therefore, so, then |
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